Environment Testing
Environment testing routinely refers to testing of Water, Soil and Air. Across the world there is a strong movement towards protecting the environment and scarce resources. This includes analysis and detection of various ingredients and contaminants of water, soil and air in our micro and macro environment. The testing of water is to ensure that the quality of water is fit for the intended purpose and is safe for use. Testing of soil is often for the purpose of agriculture and geotechnical investigations. In many global markets, such investigations are routine before embarking on any manner of construction for residential, commercial and infrastructure projects. Outdoor and Indoor ambient air quality is of increasing concern to us all and identifying air contaminants is key to assessing risk and bringing in new legislation and norms for air quality.
Environment Testing Services:
Water testing is a broad description of various procedures used to analyze water quality. Millions of water quality tests are carried out daily across the world, to fulfill regulatory requirements and to maintain safety. This testing can be done on raw water from different sources, packaged forms of water as well as that which is used and discharged as effluent during manufacturing processes across industries.
Eureka acknowledges the water quality to be critical for public health protection, wherein water supplies or as a component of food/ beverages. Water testing parameters and matrix include:
- Ground Water/Bore-well/Drinking Water as per IS 10500
- Packaged Drinking Water as per IS 4543
- Packaged Natural Mineral Water as per IS 13428
- Drinking-Water as per council EC directive 98/83
- Microbiological Analysis (bacteria and Pathogens)
- Virus (MS2) and Parasites (Giardia & Cryptosporidium)
- Cooling Tower Water
- Ballast Water
- Swimming Pool Water
- Demineralized Water
- Organic – Contaminants
- Microplastic Analysis
- Aquatic Toxicity
- Oil & Grease – FTIR
- Microbial Analysis
- Pesticides & Herbicides\Parasites
- Trace elements
INORGANIC Suites Normal and Contaminated Sites
- Cations & Anions
- Geochemical Analysis
- Heavy metals and trace metals
ORGANIC Suite Normal and Contaminated Sites
- Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC – 8260)
- Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds (SVOC- 8270D)
- Organochlorine Group Pesticides
- Organophosphorus Group Pesticides
- Carbamates Group Pesticides
- Chlorinated Hydrocarbons
- TPH (Oil & Grease)
Effluent water analysis as per CPCB Schedule VI Standard
- USEPA Suite for Effluent Water
- Analysis of HW for direct disposal to secured landfill
- Organic & Inorganic contaminants
- Aquatic Toxicity (Bio-assay test)
- Biological Hazards
- Cations & Anions
- Heavy metals and trace metals
- Organochlorine Group Pesticides
- Organophosphorus Group Pesticides
- Carbamates Group Pesticides
- Chlorinated Hydrocarbons
Our water analysis capabilities vary by location, Mentioned Below:
From everyday nutrient testing to complex contamination determination and monitoring at degradation sites, the testing of soil is a critically important area of environmental monitoring. Soil analysis refers to one or more of a wide variety of soil testing conducted for one of several possible reasons. The most widely performed soil tests are those done to estimate the plant-available concentrations of plant nutrients to determine fertilizer recommendations in agriculture. Other soil tests may be done for engineering (geotechnical), geochemical or ecological investigations. Soil analysis results in the problem areas in your soil such as adverse nutrient levels, contaminants, excess salts, high or low pH, texture, etc. A soil sample can be analyzed to determine its composition, nutrient levels, and characteristics. Soil testing includes tests for
Soil Characteristic
- Micro and Macro Nutrients
- Dioxins & Furans
- Microbiological Analysis (bacteria and Pathogens)
- Virus (MS2) and Parasites (Giardia & Cryptosporidium)
INORGANIC Suites/ General and Contaminated Sites
- Cations & Anions
- Heavy metals and trace metals
- Pesticides and Herbicides as per National & International standards
- Asbestos
- Virus Profile
- Protozoa Profile
- Helminthes egg
ORGANIC Suite/ General and Contaminated Sites
- Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) as per USEPA 8260
- Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds (SVOC) as per USEPA 8270D
- Organochlorine Group Pesticides
- Organophosphorus Group Pesticides
- Carbamates Group Pesticides
- Chlorinated Hydrocarbons
- TPH (Oil & Grease)
- Hazardous Waste analysis as per CPCB Schedule II Standard
- Hazardous waste at TCDF facility
- Analysis of HW for direct disposal to secured landfill
- USEPA SW 846
- TCLP and STLC extractions
- Toxicity (Bio-assay test)
- Biological Hazards
We offer environment monitoring services which include :
- Indoor air quality monitoring
- Noise monitoring
- Illumination studies
- Ambient air monitoring
- Stack emission monitoring
- Solid/ Respirable particulate matter